Training for Nursery Staff

Courses available:

1. Baby Talk 0-3 years (2 1/2 hours)

2. Working with parents & families to support young children’s speech, language & communication development (full day)

3. Speech and language support for under 5s (Elklan, accredited, 10 weeks evenings or 3 day intensive))

4. Learning Language and Loving it (Hanen, 10 weeks)

5.  Teacher Talk: A Hanen training series based upon Learning Language and Loving it for Early Childhood educators (3 days)

6. An Introduction to Spoken language difficulties in the classroom (available as half day or full- day)

7. Speech, language & communication: What you need to know (available as a half day or full day)

8. Introduction to receptive language difficulties (1 hour or half day)

9. Introduction to expressive language problems (1 hour or half day)

10. Introduction to Speech sound problems (1 hour or half day)

11. Working with children with Selective Mutism

For details see below:

 1. Baby Talk 0-3

This course is designed to support any practitioner working with children aged between 0 and 3 years and their families, to develop an awareness of speech, language and communication and the features that help to identify whether a child has SLCN.

From the end of the course participants will:
  • understand the development of speech, language and communication skills in children under 3 years 
  • understand the processes of communication up to and beyond first words 
  • be aware of the risk factors which impact on the development of communication skills 
  • be aware of the role practitioners play in supporting speech, language and communication development in children aged 0-3 years 
  • be able to gather information regarding any difficulties along with knowledge of how, when and where to refer children experiencing these difficulties 

2. Working with parents to support speech, language & communication development

For any professionals working with pre-schoolchildren to help them:

•understand the importance of parental support for the development of speech, language and communication (SLC)

•be better prepared to work in partnership with parents to support their child’s speech, language and communication development

•consider activities and approaches that parents can use to support their child’s speech, language and communication development

•understand the importance of working in partnership with parents of children with speech, language and communication needs.

3. Speech and Language Support for Under 5's

Elklan have developed a highly successful accredited ten week course (or 3 day-intensive) for under 5s practitioners. The package has been received enthusiastically by over 7,000 learners across the UK and Europe.

What do participants receive?

  • Teaching from qualified speech and language therapists and advisory teachers. They provide training to support the communication of all children but especially those with speech and language difficulties in under 5s settings. 
  • The book Early Language Builders which forms the core reading material for the course. It is full of practical advice and ideas. 
  • Accreditation through Open College Network (OCN) at either level two or three, the individual chooses the level under the guidance of the Elklan tutor. 
  • Support needed to write a portfolio to achieve accreditation though the Open College Network. 
  • Opportunities to meet other Under 5's practitioners and receive mutual support. 
Who is the course for?
This course trains Early Years practitioners working within Education, Playgroups, Sure Start projects, Day Nurseries and other Early Years settings. The course is usually taught at weekends, but can be taught it staff training days.
What is taught?
The course runs for ten sessions (or over 3 days), each with targets you will be able to acheive by the end of the course

Rad more at:

4. Learning Language and Loving It

The Learning Language and Loving It Program was designed to provide early childhood educators with practical strategies for helping all children in the classroom build language and social skills, no matter what their learning and communication styles are, and even if they have special needs.

The Learning Language and Loving It Program includes:
  • A Hanen Certified speech-language pathologist or early childhood education consultant leading the program to a group of up to twenty educators; 
  • 5-8 intensive group training sessions (15-20 hours) in which you learn through a variety of media and by interacting with your fellow educators; 
  • 4-6 individual videotaping and feedback sessions for each educator (educators’ interactions with children are videotaped by and reviewed with the group leader); and 
  • User-friendly resources to support your learning. For more information:

5.  Teacher Talk™ Training Series for Early Childhood Educators/Teachers

To introduce early childhood educators to the Learning Language and Loving It™ approach, The Hanen Centre developed a flexible series of three 1-day trainings called Teacher Talk.
If you work in an early childhood setting, Teacher Talk can provide you with core strategies from the Learning Language and Loving It Program for Early Childhood Educators to help you create rich and stimulating language-learning environments for the young children you work with.

What You’ll Learn from Teacher Talk™

Delivered by Hanen-trained professionals who also offer the Learning Language and Loving It program, Teacher Talk is divided into three full-day training sessions:

►Teacher Talk™ Training A: Encouraging Language Development in Early Childhood Settings

This training will show you how to use everyday conversations, play and daily routines to promote the communication and social development of all children, including those with language delays and those who are second language learners.
You’ll learn how to:

  • Identify children’s conversational styles and the role teachers play in interactions
  • Implement six steps to following the child’s lead:  Observe, Wait and Listen, Be Face to Face, Imitate, Interpret, Comment, and Join in and Play
  • Help children become better conversation partners by using appropriate questions, comments and turn-taking cues
  • Use five important steps to ensure that no child is left out of the interaction during group activities

►Teacher Talk™ Training B: Let Language Lead the Way to Literacy

This training will discuss the important links between oral language development and literacy, and provide you with practical strategies for paving the way for children to read and write.
You’ll learn how to encourage and support literacy development by:

  • Helping children develop a positive attitude toward the use of print
  • Choosing books that match children’s interests and stages of development
  • Using book reading  as a time for interaction and conversation
  • Making print a natural and meaningful part of every day

►Teacher Talk™ Training C: Fostering Peer Interaction in Early Childhood Settings

This training will show you how to provide a physical and social environment that encourages peer interaction and creates many opportunities or successful interactions with other children.
You’ll learn how to encourage and support peer interaction by:

  • Making the most effective use of space in the classroom
  • Encouraging a variety of groupings for interaction
  • Providing appropriate materials and activities
  • Creating reasons for interaction and providing specific coaching 

Teacher Talk Trainers may offer the training series flexibly. Training A may be offered on its own, or in combination with Training B and/or C, and the trainings do not have to be held on consecutive days. However, because Training A is a prerequisite for both Trainings B and C, all Teacher Talk participants must attend Training A before attending the other training sessions.  

6. An Introduction to Spoken Language Difficulties in the Classroom

Breaks down receptive and expressive language into manageable chunks to give a greater understanding of what happens when development doesn’t go according to plan. Practical suggestions, general strategies and specific techniques for the classroom/nursery.

7. Speech, language & communication: What you need to know

Introduction to the development of the factors involved and what/ why it is important, what can go wrong, what to try and where to go for help. 21/2 hours lecture or full-day workshop. Suitable For Nursery staff, Teachers, Teaching assistants, SENCOs. Targets Nursery & Primary.

8. Introduction to receptive language difficulties

Explains the nature of verbal understanding to give a greater awareness of the child’s difficulty and how to cope in the classroom. Suitable For Nursery staff, Teachers, Teaching assistants, SENCOs. 1 hour lecture or half-day workshop.

9. Introduction to expressive language problems

If a child has expressive language difficulties, it’s easy to identify but what should we do about it? Explanation, advice and techniques to help. Suitable For Nursery staff, Teachers, Teaching assistants, SENCOs. 1 hour lecture or half-day workshop.

10. Introduction to speech sound difficulties

If a child has speech sound difficulties, it’s easy to identify but what should we do about it? Explanation, advice and techniques to help. Suitable For Nursery staff, Teachers, Teaching assistants, SENCOs. 1 hour lecture or half-day workshop.

11. Working with children with Children with Selective mutism

From the work of Maggie Johnson, the UK expert on SM. Participants will be able:
To recognise and diagnose SM
To fully understand the causes and maintaining factors
To relate the above to an appropriate prevention or management plan:
     - educating all key people involved with the child
     - creating the right environment at home and at school
     - talking to the children and their peers about SM
     - considering the need for a formal programme

     - formulating treatment targets
Full day

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